Hey there. So this is a thing now. The first post on my personal blog.

I have far too many ideas for YouTube videos but I never actually have the energy to make them. Well, most of the time anyways. The thing is, practically nobody watches most of them, since I make them super irregularly. A broad range of topics like that isn’t exactly well suited for the YouTube algorithm either.

That’s why I decided to just simply start writing blog Posts using GitHub Pages, which is using Jekyll. It’s quite a lot less effort than creating a Video since none of the recording and video editing is required. Of course, I doubt many people are going to be reading this, but at least it doesn’t take up as much of my time. And perhaps it’s a more concise way to convey information.

Anyways, I might as well talk about about Jekyll in this post. It’s actually written in Ruby, which is one of my favorite programming languages. Perhaps that makes me a little bit biased towards Jekyll. It’s quite neat, I can just write the posts in Markdown and Jekyll will automatically create nice looking HTML pages from those markdown files. In fact, the entire thing is configured and set up using Text files in a Git Repository.

This may sound a little unintuitive (which is true), but it also means that it’s a lot safer than other types of blogging software such as Wordpress. I’ve heard of so many stories of Wordpress instances being compromised due to unsafe plugins or an outdated Wordpress version, I’d rather not have that happen. Of course, those issues can be prevented by just avoiding unmaintained plugins and updating Wordpress, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be super active on here, so Jekyll is a much safer alternative.

In a sense, managing everything in a Git Repository is also quite convenient. Once everything is set up, all you need is a text editor and a Git client. No need to bother with heavyweight web interfaces. Hell, I could even update this site using only a command line if I really needed to.

Anyways, time will tell how good this works. I’ll just have to keep on making some new posts and see if I like the workflow, though I have a feeling I probably will. I might have to look into SEO in the future if I actually want people to read my posts, but this post is more of a test anyways, so I’ll do that later.

This should about do it for my first post.